Jennifer K. Sweeney has been working privately with writers for over ten years. She provides individual instruction from working regularly on a writer's small group of new poems to chapbook-size and full-length manuscript projects. Jennifer loves to look closely at bodies of work and spend deep time with collections to help expose the strengths, thematic currents, and stylistic concerns as well as the patterns of repetition or dullness that might be holding the work back. She is known for a respectful and thorough exchange, providing clarity and collective vision, and excellent line edits. Poets have gone on to win poetry book prizes and receive publication offers by presses including: Akron Series in Poetry, Anaphora Press, Ashland University Press, Augury Books, Big Table Press, BkMk Press's John Ciardi Award, Cider House Press, Dream Horse Press, Glass Lyre Press, Main Street Rag, Moon City Press, New Issues Press, Platypus Press, Turtle Point Press, What Books Press, WordFarm, and many others. She consults on hybrid and nonfiction projects as well. Contact her for more information regarding pricing and process. She is happy to tell you more about the method that works well for her as well as discuss how to adjust that for your personal needs and preferences.